Earn Money With Miss Upload
Click here to register firstWith MissUpload.com you'll not only enjoy our exciting file sharing experience, you'll also earn Points which can be converted into cash!
you will get $0,01 for each Unique download. Redeemed cash will be transfered via PayPal once it reaches $10.
There are 2 ways to earn Points:
1. By sharing files and earning points for downloads
- $10 per 1000 Unique Downloads
- You will get $0.1 or 10 Points from those who register from your affiliate link.
- You will get 25% of Premium Account Sales and 100 points free.
Short Explaination About Earn Rewards
- user who register first time will get 10 points now.
- User who register from your affiliate link, they will get 10 points as a registration reward, and you as an owner of affliate link get bonus 10 points also or worth USD 0.5.
- User who register from your affiliate link and they upgrade their account to premium account, you will get bonus 100 points PLUS 25% from the total sales.
1. You must create an account and upload all your files when you are signed into your account so we can track your downloads.2. Downloads of files smaller than 5MB do not qualify.
3. You must not try to manipulate your download statistics or you will be disqualified. Only unique completed downloads are counted.
4. You should NOT share your account password. Shared accounts are immediately closed without warning.
5. Payment are made by paypal and for some country we can do bank transfer (Please check on your account panel).
6. Missupload.com reserves the right to modify the Rewards program at any time.
7. You are not allowed to upload infringing file, we reserve to remove the files and suspend your account.
How can i use these Points?
1. Convert and Purchase Premium membership.2. Withdraw money, all payment will be sent via paypal.
How do i convert points into real money ?
- You must have at least $10 or 1000 Points- Payments are made once a month. You have to request money to be paid.
Payment request should be made before 20th of the month and will be paid between 1st day to 5th day of the following month.
For example: You have 1200 points and asking for a withdraw on 17th may, then you will get paid between 1st June to 5th June.
What are you waiting for ? Register Now and Start Earning!
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